Find your Power.

Come Home to YOU.

Integrative Changework for Deep Transformation

I specialise in helping people to move towards radical wellbeing.

I use a unique combination of research-backed, potent approaches and techniques to equip clients towards self-directed flourishing at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

'My whole being has lightened' JS


go deep to overcome unconscious patterns in their life that they experience as holding them back.

I draw on effective, rapid neuroscience-based change techniques combined with insights drawn from interpersonal neurobiology, attachment science, somatic psychotherapy, health optimisation science and more.

My approach is integrative, transformational and life-changing.

I also work with spiritual issues — including Kundalini processes.

Work with me on a 1-1 basis

1-1 Coaching


Bespoke 1:1 offer — powerful therapeutic coaching to support a shift towards healing and wellbeing.

"‘What an extraordinary skill Anna has in bringing things to consciousness through hypnotic processes. Her kind and gentle approach restored my lost confidence and showed a new way forward. Although Anna has created her own Stop process, familiar to many brain retraining courses that I have done, the similarity ends there. No repetitive steps, rounds and self judgments. Instead, for me, the sessions were fascinating, full of symbolism and unexpected twists and turns. Alongside the Zoom sessions, Anna offers so much support, encouragement, deep, understanding and compassion. Her approach and ideology are refreshing and offer a way of drawing on inner resources rather than working with an externally imposed model. Since we know that everyone experiences fatigue related illnesses differently perhaps we also need different models of healing. I am thankful for finding this one'.
EW (60 day 1-1 coaching client)

Now running — you can apply to join at any time

The Transformation Blueprint Program

A 12-month group coaching journey into your own potential for radical wellbeing

You will have access to powerful change-work training, online materials and shared experiences that will change your life forever.

''I've just finished going through your course and WOW! WOW! WOW! It is incredible. Honestly, it's so well-rounded, holistic, supportive, incredibly informative, interesting, gentle, clear, nourishing. I could go on and on": E.H

"In the same way that it is impossible to capture spiritual truths with words, it is impossible to convey the depth and richness of Anna's program with words": M.R


Transformative hypnotic recordings

Access your powerful unconscious mind and let it do the heavy lifting for you

Powerful, immersive, layered and effective MP3 recordings for effortless hypnosis-facilitated change.

Also available: The NeuroCalm Fatigue Summit interviews: access 20 experts in an MP3 format for unrivalled insight into fatigue conditions.



I blend a range of research-based, science-based approaches with powerful hypnosis, NLP, HNLP, therapeutic coaching, rapid synaptic change work techniques and the sensory capacities developed by advanced training in energy psychology and by over 50 years of spiritual journeying. The result is a highly intuitive process uniquely attuned to each unique client’s unique situation and challenges.

I take a sensitive, thoughtful and multi-layered approach.

'I have learnt so much from my sessions and feel I have the tools not only to aid my recovery but to take forward into the rest of life' — CA

'I love the fact that your work is science and evidence based yet also integrative, incorporating the best of psychology, neuroscience, hypnotherapy, spirituality and other modalities' — JJ

'What an extraordinary skill Anna has in bringing things to consciousness' — EW

'It was an amazing journey, I know I learned so much consciously and unconsciously' — BH

I trust in your inherent power and unconscious wisdom

I trust your own immense capacities for evolution

Skilful exploration helps both of us understand and map out key patterns and issues at play in your current experience. Clients frequently report transformative breakthrough insights.

You will learn proven and powerful strategies for taking control of your own experience and for moving forward from where you are to where you want to be. Be amazed by your own incredible potential.

You will encounter your own amazing more-than-conscious capacities, including the powerful capacities of your body for flourishing and wellbeing, all based in health optimisation science.

I will use all my skills, experience and training in your service. You just need to commit to show up for yourself fully, learn and lean into the process of change. We will work together, but the results are all yours to enjoy for the rest of your life.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

Check your intuition: are you ready to show up for yourself fully?

Is this your next step forward?

I've been working with Anna for a few months to help with my recovery from chronic fatigue and support the brain retraining that I'm doing. I have learnt so much from my sessions with her and feel I have the tools not only to aid my recovery but to take forward into the rest of my life. Each session has been different and Anna works organically with whatever comes up. She has helped me deal with difficult past memories and has taught me lots of techniques to deal with anxiety. She is very insightful and there have been lots of 'aha' moments when I've felt things shift. When I've contacted her between sessions she has got back to me quickly to offer support. I feel that she has been really invested in my wellbeing and committed to supporting me. 

 ____Charlotte (1-1 Coaching Client)

I have been working with Anna on and off for two years since first experiencing chronic illness. What keeps me coming back to Anna is her unique approach to chronic illness and recovery, combining hypnotherapy, NLP techniques and holistic coaching. Quite the opposite of a ‘standard’ hypnotherapy session in which you are lulled into a relaxed, sleep-like state without much further intervention, Anna works directly with the unconscious to address the limiting beliefs, trauma and symptom patterns which contribute to chronic illness. Beyond that, she also equips you with techniques and tools to use outside the session and guides you to make the lifestyle changes necessary to support recovery. Drawing on her lived experience of chronic illness, Anna has a natural gift for recognising the support you most need from session to session, as well as which combination of techniques are best placed to approach those issues. It is fair to say that without our work together, I would not be anywhere near as far as I am on my recovery journey now.
____Athene (Hypnotherapy Client)

The session topics were pretty organic, deep and powerful. I now have an array of resources (guided meditations, book suggestions) and practical tools to aid me in grounding, self-soothing and staying in the present, and I have trust in connection with myself, my unconscious, which I was not able to do before.  I truly shifted some of my ‘stuff’, old patterns, (childhood issues, beliefs, values), I felt seen, I felt heard, I felt validated, I felt contained, I felt held, I felt safe. I knew that I could contact Anna at any time outside of our sessions through Voxer which added to these feelings. I have more energy than I have had in a long time — now that I recognise where I have been giving away my power. Anna is down to earth, extremely knowledgeable, warm, funny, gentle and not afraid to 'go there' with you. I highly recommend working with Anna

____ Deborah (1-1 Body-Mind-Spirit coaching client — 60-day program

I had an incredibly enlightening time with Anna Grear. My whole being has lightened.That's a huge statement and I really mean it. I have pursued many modalities over the last 14 years since  coming down with ME/CFS and working with Anna really helped amalgamate my own pursuit of health with her useful techniques. She gently counselled me to explore my personal activators that were draining me of energy. Her angelic face and soothing voice were a salve for my childhood wounds. I felt safe, heard and seen during all our sessions. She is very professional and articulate yet so personal and intuitive as well. During one session, she guided me back into my studio where I played with paint with my non-dominant hand. I couldn't believe how much joy and release that quick, spontaneous exercise gave me. Going forward, I feel I now have clear strategies to help me to continue to grow and heal. couldn't be more grateful.

Jan (1-1 Body-Mind-Spirit coaching client — 60-day program

To be guided by Anna was a blessing in every aspect. I trusted our process blindfolded as I felt in safe hands. Not only has Anna got exceptional perception and understanding, it comes with a good sense of humour as well.

Concerning my inner transformation, I will say there was movement: quite some shifts were and are going on — in the right direction. Most importantly, now there’s a cosy, safe lounge for the traumas to rest in peace’.

____ Roswitha (1-1 Body-Mind-Spirit coaching client — 60-day program)

‘Anna is one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met. She’s incredibly knowledgeable and always makes me feel at ease. I always look forward to seeing her. I have already made some progress (in ME/CFS recovery) after only a couple of months, after not much joy with anything else. I can’t thank her or recommend her enough’.

____ Dan (1-1 Hypno-coaching client — Open-ended)

I have been working with Anna to help me move forwards with Long Covid and Anxiety, and I can highly recommend it. Anna is an extremely skilled practitioner. She has a huge range of tools and techniques to help and very intuitively picks the right ones for your particular needs. Her depth of understanding of fatigue and anxiety is huge and she brings so much wisdom and empathy to the sessions. I've seen many practitioners for my anxiety issues: from CBT to psychotherapy, and NLP. Anna is the first person that's helped me reach the root cause of my anxiety, which has been a hugely helpful step forwards. The benefits aren't only within the sessions themselves, as Anna teaches you techniques that you can use by yourself, and in this way, I've been able to continue my progress once the sessions finished. I experienced shifts in both my physical health and my anxiety levels whilst working with Anna, which have continued to move in a positive direction since.


Angela (60-day 1-1 coaching client)

 ____ Angela (60-day 1-1 coaching client)

We did a session on releasing repressed emotions, and immediately after the session I felt so energised, happy and light. Another profound shift that I experienced is that my back pain that I had been struggling with for at least a year went away after addressing it in a session, and I have been pain-free for several months since. Working with Anna has been instrumental in my healing and life. I felt completely supported throughout the whole process and highly recommend working with Anna!

____ Anna (Hypnotherapy client (ME/CFS))

‘Working with Anna is always such a joy. Her intelligence, intuition and child-like joy are so uplifting and encouraging that everything goes from complicated to simple in a matter of minutes. She communicates powerfully and with such positivity with the unconscious mind that shifts happen with ease. Mindscaping was a particularly memorable experience: short and simple yet so very powerful and meaningful! It was like exploring the wonderland of my mind and it allowed me to tangibly reconnect with a lost part of myself. Reconnecting with it created a serious shift in my being and body — I suddenly experienced a new sense of completeness and strength that had always been amiss and it has been with me ever since. Truly grateful!

____Nadia (Hypnotherapy/Therapeutic Coaching client)

I've been working with Anna for a few months to help with my recovery from chronic fatigue and support the brain retraining that I'm doing. I have learnt so much from my sessions with her and feel I have the tools not only to aid my recovery but to take forward into the rest of my life. Each session has been different and Anna works organically with whatever comes up. She has helped me deal with difficult past memories and has taught me lots of techniques to deal with anxiety. She is very insightful and there have been lots of 'aha' moments when I've felt things shift. When I've contacted her between sessions she has got back to me quickly to offer support. I feel that she has been really invested in my wellbeing and committed to supporting me. 

 ____Charlotte (1-1 Coaching Client)



Integrative Change Work Coaching



© 2024 HypnoCatalyst by Anna Grear